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Blowing Kisses Smiley

Collagen Dust GOGEN With Vitamin C Review

 * klik gambar untuk paparan yang lebih jelas *
* credit to Cari Forum *

Pure Collagen Dust / Pure Collagen Powder
Beauty Food
Sugar Free *Tanpa pengawet dan perisa tambahan*

Mendapat kelulusan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (Dikelaskan sebagai makanan)
Certified HALAL by HFCE (Halal Food Council of Europe) Recognized by JAKIM, MALAYSIA

Nourish Skin from the inside.
Kawal intake collagen anda sendiri.
Serbuk Kolagen Marin dengan Vitamin C
2+1 makanan kecantikan yang lengkap!
Rahsia Cantik Selebriti!
60G – RM60
(120G) 2 BOTOL – RM110
(180G) 3 BOTOL – RM160
*sudu Gogen disertakan dalam setiap kotak*

 Highly Recommended!
Collagen in powder form. Not Capsules/Tablets.
Millions of nutricosmetics consumed in the world already contain collagen,
and now exclusively you can decide how much to take your collagen everyday!